Video | Eleven people were whipped in public for having sex before getting married


Eleven Indonesians were punished back lashes to maintain unmarried relationships, one of them with a minor, in the province of Aceh, the only one in Indonesia in which "sharia" or Islamic law is in force.

The prisoners, including five couples, received between eight and 33 lashes. Everything was done publicly, in front of dozens of people gathered in front of a mosque in Banda Aceh, capital of the province, northwest of the island of Sumatra, according to a photographer from EFE

One of those who were punished in Indonesia for having bad without being married. (Photo: AFP)
One of those who were punished in Indonesia for having bad without being married. (Photo: AFP)

Couples committed crimes related to maintain intimate relationships without being neither his family nor being married, while another man was sentenced to 33 beats for the same crime with a minor, while participants recorded the scene with their mobile phone.

They were all Muslims except for a man professing the Buddhist religion, which does not exempt him from having to conform to the "sharia", the last revision of which was approved in 2014.

Sharia police helped a woman (in white) after she was badped in public in Banda Aceh, Aceh province, on August 1, 2019. (Photo: AFP)
Sharia police helped a woman (in white) after she was badped in public in Banda Aceh, Aceh province, on August 1, 2019. (Photo: AFP)

On Wednesday, three people received corporal punishment at a stadium in Lhokseumawe City, about 275 km south of Banda Aceh, including a couple who was discovered having bad before marriage and a 19 year old man who had bad. With a minor.

Sharia police officer prepares to participate in the public plague of 11 people trapped by
A Shariah police officer is preparing to participate in the public plague of 11 people imprisoned for "too close to the opposite bad" in Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia, on August 1, 2019. (Photo: AFP)

The Islamic law in Aceh punishes crimes such as gambling, drinking and trading of alcoholic beverages or sodomy with up to 200 lashes with a rattan rod, a kind of climbing palm similar to wicker.

Muslim woman publicly receives bads with wooden stick as part of sentence for breaking the law
A Muslim woman publicly receives bads with a wooden stick as part of the punishment for violating "sharia" or Islamic law, which prohibits the maintenance of extramarital affairs. (Photo: EFE)

Sharia law came into force in early 2000 in the form of a central government concession allowing the province to give up aspirations for independence and advance the peace process with the armed separatist group Aceh Liberation Movement (GAM).

Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population of the world, with 88% of its more than 260 million inhabitants, who practice mainly a moderate form of Islam.

Other case

In 2017, a gay couple received 83 canes in public for having bad in this same province of Indonesia, the only one of the Muslim country to apply Islamic law.

More than a thousand people invaded the courtyard of a mosque in Banda Aceh, the provincial capital, to witness the punishment. It was the first time anyone had badped to have homobadual relationship. The victims, two men aged 20 and 23, were arrested in March after a group of neighbors organized to burst into their room and surprise them when they had bad.


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