Video: filmed rain and shakes an awesome beam | Chronic


A spectacular natural phenomenon has surprised a resident of the city of Boynton Beach in Florida, United States.

Last Sunday, a woman recorded with her mobile phone a powerful and deafening beam that hit a few meters from her home.

In the video, you can see how Erica Hite He opens the curtains of one of the windows of his house, during a storm, to show his parents how he was pouring into the neighborhood.

A few seconds later, the camera caught a powerful beam, which hit several times with a violent collision near a car parked outside.

"I just jumped back and I was scared because I thought it was a hurricane or a cyclone", Commented Hite to local media.

Fortunately, no one was injured. nevertheless, the phenomenon has left material damage during the destruction of the roadway with the force of one of the dumps.


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