Video further ignited Jonatan Viale and his former America team-mates


Last Monday, Jonatan Viale sparked a heated debate by writing a tweet about his debut on LN +, the television channel of the newspaper La Nación. “Reaching peaks of nearly four points in a signal in full recovery fills me with satisfaction. But what’s really important is freedom. I feel comfortable, cared for and respected. Thank you LN + de m ‘to have received like that, “he said. .

His message provoked the annoyance of several American drivers and journalists. Two of the strongest were Jorge rial, who called him “ungrateful”, and Alejandro fantino, who said there were “a lot of people hurt” with what he said.

“There are a lot of colleagues on this channel injured with him,” Fantino said in his afternoon show. And Baby complained because Viale’s words make them sound “mercenaries” to those who continue to work in this place.

However, those who dealt with the episode were the Intruders, in this case under the leadership of Rodrigo Lussich, and more precisely in his column “Los escandalones”.

“Put Jonatan Viale in his place” is the name they chose to develop the controversy they defined as a “war of journalists”. “And in addition, here we are going to reveal a tape that only proves how much Jonatan Viale himself appreciated the freedom to work in this house, as if to be speechless so quietly, openly and, honestly, unfairly,” said Rodrigo said.

The video that was broadcast was precisely the one shown in this note and corresponds to the farewell to Viale de A24 where the journalist appreciates the “freedom” with which he worked on this signal and now his colleagues take the opportunity to “pass the bill “for its contradiction.


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