VIDEO .- He felt a breeze come out of his bathroom mirror and when he took it out he found an abandoned house


La influencer Samantha Hartsoe published a series of videos in su cuenta of Tik Tok en donde filmed el increíble hallazgo que hizo en su casa: tras feeling una brisa que salía desde el espejo del baño, quitó el mismo y se dio cuenta que detrás había una abandoned house.

“For a long time, I was very cold in my apartment and the first thing I did was check the ventilation to see if there was a fault,” he began, telling the story. to his supporters.

Later, he assured that he had discovered that the cold was coming out of the mirror and that he decided to take it out to see what was behind it. There he realized that there was a room, totally abandoned, and a door that opened to indicate that the property continued.

Once on the other side, he realized that it was a huge abandoned apartment behind the wall: an uninhabited house with several rooms, stairs to a basement, a toilet and a bathroom. construction debris. Samantha set the latest video to music with Capone’s famous song “Oh no” which has become one of the most used on Tik Tok.

“Mystery solved! This is how the mystery of New York came to an end,” he wrote in his last post to the surprise of all followers. The videos quickly went viral.


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