Video: He threw graveyard dirt in the office to curse his colleagues | the Chronicle


The people work, on average, more than 30 years of their life. All the while, they are building relationships with hundreds of people with whom they share many hours of work and experience countless and sometimes most hilarious situations. There is also a place for the birth of new friendships or romances. However, there is not always a good atmosphere between everyone in the office, either due to mistreatment or a low predisposition of one of the parties to help another colleague with a problem that is affecting the team. in its task.

Sometimes when a person does not feel comfortable in their job, they use dialogue as a good tool to clarify situations and clarify misunderstandings that could trigger even bigger conflicts that affect the job, although sometimes the working atmosphere does not tend to change and the employee ended up quitting because he was already tired or because he “something better”.

This is the case of a former official of the the town hall from the city of Rommy, located in the province of Sumy, to Ukraine, that he apparently didn’t get along very well with his office mates and made the drastic decision to curse them with “graveyard land”. In a video which was recorded by the security cameras of the place, the woman, whose identity has not been released, is seen wearing a cap and dark glasses who entered the premises as if nothing was done. was not.

Seconds after seeing her walk through the door, she is observed in a hallway crouching beside a door spreading something out with her hands, dusting what she left behind with her feet and slowly withdrawing from the place. This video went viral on social media after learning about what item was thrown away by the former official.

Her colleagues told local media that the woman, who is the head of human resources, had thrown dirt on their doors “of a cemetery to curse them.” The mayor Oleg Stogni He assured that I try to “find out why he did that”, but the official did not give any explanations on this subject and preferred to resign from his post.

Following the particular incidents, the authorities called a priest to bless the mayor’s office. Another version that was released is that the video had been manipulated because Stogni he intended to fire the woman for reasons that were not disclosed.


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