Video: He tried to steal a manhole cover and fell into the hole | the Chronicle


In Medellín, Colombia, cameras recorded the exact moment a man was seen stealing a manhole cover. The thief wants to lift the huge, heavy cover but does so with difficulty, looking for a way to carry it over his shoulder and then sell it for scrap.

In the pictures you can see that at this time, A motorcyclist walks past him to tell him to surrender, but determined to achieve his goal, the criminal manages to lift the cover and carry it on his shoulders.

But when he finally believes he came out triumphant and has control over the heavy element, the thief stumbles and falls crashing into the hole he himself left, carrying the full weight of the cover on his body. Fortunately, he was able to support himself with the other leg and prevented it from falling completely into the water system.

Faced with the hard blow, the man has no choice but to give up the flight and limp to the applause of the witnesses. The event provoked outrage and laughter to the same extent among users of social networks.

On Twitter, the comments were mocking. “Celestial justice”, “people who die out” Yes “Justice limps, but comes” were some of the funniest reactions.

Sewer theft continues to be a method for thieves and street dwellers to earn money in cities like Barranquilla, Medellín, Bogotá and Ibagué.


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