Video: he was walking his dog and a cat “fell from the sky” – News


A man lost consciousness after a cat fell from a building hit him on the head while walking his dog.

The unusual episode happened in China. The victim was identified as Gao Fenghua, a retiree who was walking around Harbin city in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province with his dog, who was walking in front of him,

According to the newspaper The sunDue to the heavy blow, the man was knocked to the ground, although he subsequently recovered and is now out of danger.

The accident was recorded by surveillance cameras. In the footage, you can see a cat suddenly falling on the man’s head causing him to collapse unconscious to the ground.

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The cat quickly gets up and runs to a door. While the dog, who realizes that something has happened to his master, returns to where his master is and goes to corner the feline.

The video ends with a group of pedestrians approaching the man lying on the ground.

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After the accident, Fenghua had to spend 23 days in hospital. Although he is recovering, he still has to undergo physiotherapy treatment.

Meanwhile, relatives of the injured and the owner of the cat are trying to reach a compensation agreement for the accident.


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