Video: Horror at the birth of a two-headed calf | the Chronicle


Was born a two-headed calf in a community of rural area of ​​the municipality of Santa Cruz, state of Rio Grande do Norte, in Brazil.

Pedro Oliveira, the owner of the farm where the strange creature was born three days ago, said that the animal had difficulty getting up. Something like this has never happened in this community (Bom Sucesso). It is an unprecedented event “, noticed.

For his part, the veterinarian Raimundo Alves Barreto Junior, who is also a professor of Universidad Federal Rural del Semiárido (Ufersa), explained that this type of training is really rare. “This event that happened in your community is really a very rare event. Technically It is called dicephaly, when the animal has a very clear definition of two heads, with two brains, four ears, two mouths, four eyes, all well separated“, Tenuous.

In addition, Professor Barreto, warned that this type of malformation compromises the lives of animals. In this sense, he expressed that he only met one child with these conditions who managed to reach adulthood In the 90s.

“Few animals reach adulthood, because we have, in these congenital malformations, other malformations involved internally in the animal, which prevent it from reaching adulthood. In the case of this animal, even the weight of the head makes it difficult to stand “, Explain.

Despite the negative forecast, the specialist provided owner Pedro Oliveira with a series of recommendations. “Take good care of your animal, try to lift it and keep it upright. Very carefully, he can reach adulthood ”, informed.

It is the calf that was born with two heads:


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