Video: impressive collapse of a building swimming pool – News


A swimming pool collapsed in the parking lot of a building in Vila Velha in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil and footage of the accident, recorded by security cameras, was viralized on social media in because of their magnitude.

There was no one there, so there were no injuries. The building had to be evacuated and some streets in the neighborhood were closed while Civil Defense was operating.

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The 25-meter swimming pool was located in the recreation area of ​​the complex. In the pictures you can see when it falls into the garage and the water reaches the parked vehicles.

According to Brazilian media, residents said they heard a loud noise at the time of the detachment. They also said that in the previous hours they had smelled a very strong smell of gas as the pool was heated.

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From the construction company in charge of the work, which ended in 2018, they said the collapse had no injuries and said it was providing necessary assistance to the victims.

For its part, the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Espírito carries out a series of technical inspections in the building.


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