Video: Interviewee forgot to take sex toy off shelf and footage went viral | the Chronicle


After the succession of shameful forgetfulness that occurred during video calls throughout the coronavirus pandemic, where the privacy of home was mixed with the public at work British wife forgot sex toy on the shelf behind her of the shot composed by her computer camera, while being interviewed live by the BBC Wales.

Yvette amos I was on video conference with other people talking about unemployment during the pandemic. However, nothing he talked about really caught the eye or at least not like he did sex toy from your library.

In this post, several viewers noticed the object and filled the channel’s networks with comments, which were then picked up by various local media outlets.

“Did this happen on the 6 O’C * ck news? [juego de palabras en inglés, en el que el usuario dice ‘pene’ (cock) en lugar de ‘en punto’ (o’clock)]? “. “This woman makes our country proud.” “How muddy, but at least she looks happy.” “How can that happen to him when it’s dusty?”.

Grant tucker, Media and Entertainment Correspondent for Sunday Times, warned of the dangers of not checking background objects for a home interview, which uses a video call.

“I guess those long days in confinement can be boring”another user joked on Twitter, on the effects of quarantine due to the coronavirus and in relation to the sexual object.

To top it off, in the interviewee’s room there was another haunting surprise it has not gone unnoticed either. On the door were painted the footprints of two bloody hands.

A case like this, which was unforgettable, was featured in our country by the MP Juan Ameri, who did a sex scene in a para-mental video conference. Even many international media echoed what happened.

Another similar case occurred in Mexico, when a parliamentarian mistakenly activated the camera for a session of that country’s Senate while she was still naked. It also happened to a teacher from our country, while giving virtual lessons, when his wife entered the room, also without clothes.

The sex toy on the interviewee’s shelf.


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