VIDEO.- It was the fatal accident of 120 and 531


In addition, a road accident was recorded between 7 and 32, so it was chaotic to cross this access to the city early in the morning. Traffic lights 13 and 32 did not work either

VIDEO.- It was the fatal accident of 120 and 531

It was the zone of 7 and 32 in the early morning / EL DIA

What has been lived today in the city is a morning of oblivion. Total chaos and death between 7 and 32 was the balance that left the transit of the region in the early hours of the day.

The incident occurred in 120 between 531 and 532, and was recorded in the municipality's cameras, is the one that took the worst share since a deadly victim was recorded. The driver of a Volkswagen Senda, identified by the police as Martin Maximiliano Ledesma, 37, lost his life to drop his vehicle against a lighting column.

Although the UFI No. 14 of our city has already taken action, the causes of the accident are being investigated. In the first case, it is thought that the man fell asleep at the wheel, crossed the lane and found himself stuck in the spine, so the terrible blow caused fatal injuries .

On the other hand, a collision at 7 and 32 hours caused a hellish chaos in the traffic this morning at rush hour. In this area, which is one of the main accesses of the city, and in the middle of what it means to enter the work and schools of many Platanos, a car hit a motorcycle. Although there is no detailed description of what happened, the police intervened and cut off the traffic, so that traffic in this area became almost impossible.

On the other hand, in another key access also in the early hours of this Wednesday, the transit was a hell. According to the readers' report from, lights 13 and 32 were not working, so traffic jams made it difficult for many neighbors.

Crash of the chain

Meanwhile, it was known today that there had been a chain crash on 44th Avenue, leaving 3 people badisted by SAME. As the video accompanying this note shows, the driver of a car crashed on the important Platense Avenue at the intersection of Street 2 and collided with a road parked on a public road. For the incident, the emergency service had to intervene and badist three people, with two referrals to Gutierrez hospital.

The episode took place on Monday at 6:35 pm, in a stalemate, in which two motorists collided for reasons that are under investigation and one of them eventually struck another. car parked on the public road. In fact, a Peugeot model 206 white vehicle intervened, which was crossing 44th Avenue 2, and another Fiat model gray vehicle from Siena, which allegedly attempted to overtake the main artery at a red light. .

In this context, the agents of the operations and monitoring center of the Municipality of La Plata immediately notified 911 and the SAME emergency service who, upon their arrival, had to surrender and transfer two persons at Gutiérrez Hospital for moderate injuries. In the meantime, a second ambulance was requested a few moments later by members of the Buenos Aires police who had intervened on the scene, because a woman needed it. On arrival, the doctors badisted her and did not need a transfer.

A few minutes later, the transit staff was requested and the arrival of scientific police personnel at the place where both streets had been cut off as a precaution.


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