VIDEO.- Martha Cohen: the impact of the Delta variant and the difference with the second wave


Pediatric pathologist Marta Cohen, who currently works in the UK, reflected on the advance of a third wave of coronavirus with the presence of the Delta variant, comparing the numbers and differentiating it from what was the second wave of infections.

The Argentine professional, distinguished by the “Order of the Empire” for her investigation of more than ten years into the sudden death of breastfed infants in the city of Sheffield, said that “a comparison of the number of cases yesterday at United Kingdom, still in The ascending curve of the third wave, with a similar value recorded on February 5, 2021, in the middle of the second wave of the Alpha or British variant (with strict quarantine and school closures), shows that ‘ to a similar number of infected, hospitalizations were significantly lower on June 27 (227 versus 2,005 daily hospitalizations on February 5) and the same was true for the number of deaths (11 versus 774).

“This statistically significant difference for daily hospitalizations and deaths, for the same number of infected, is based on the increase in the number of diagnostic tests (with tracing and isolation of contacts and asymptomatic patients) and the successful vaccination campaign with two full doses (61.6% against 1%), assured Cohen, a graduate of the National University of La Plata.

And finally, he asserted that “the three pillars of success confirm that this is the way forward: social distancing, screening for symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, with follow-up, screening and isolation of contacts; and mass vaccination with two doses ”.


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