Video – Mauricio Macri: "Today we have made the wrong choice"


President Mauricio Macri acknowledged tonight that he had made a "bad choice" in Together for Change. Accompanied by his formulaic partner, the Peronist Senator Miguel Angel Pichetto, the re-election candidate said: "It hurts that we have not had all the support we expected today. "

"We listen to the people's vote, we believe in democracy and the fact that the level of hardship we have experienced in recent years has led to much distress and doubt."

After thanking his attorneys and the "Defenders of Change", Macri asked them "to work together for the October elections, which will define the next thirty years in Argentina".

"These are here to help you, I am here because I believe in this country, in each one of you," he insisted.

In another part of his brief speech at the bunker of Costa Salguero, the president congratulated María Eugenia Vidal for "the effort" and asked "the people of Buenos Aires not to miss it". As well highlighted the election of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta in Buenos Airesbecause "Horacio is a very good example for all Argentines: he is a person to whom no one has given anything, he has conquered those who said they did not have the conditions and the profile to be a candidate and now begins to to be re-elected with his skills of a huge job. "

"We are here, we are clearly leaving everything for our beloved country, and from tomorrow we will continue to work and empower ourselves, sleep and start working tomorrow morning," he concluded.

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