Video of Al Qaeda leaders as US pays tribute to victims of Twin Towers attacks


On the 20th anniversary of the twin towers attacks, the american president Joe biden He led a moving ceremony with some of his sitting predecessors, local authorities and the families of the victims.

At the same time, the terrorist network Al-Quaïda, perpetrator of the attacks, started posting on his social networks a massive propaganda campaign with photos, videos and articles for celebrate your way the attack against United States of September 11, 2001.

A media that supports the terrorist group broadcast this Saturday a documentary-type video on the attack in which it has been detailed since how the macabre plan was conceived until its effects.

“This is unheard of”, Express Rita katz, director of SITE, a monitoring center for online publications on jihadism, self-employed Twitter.

“As tragic as it may be, this anniversary of September 11 is exceptionally positive for Al-QaidaKatz explained. As one QA supporter wrote, America’s departure from Afghanistan is a validation of the vision of Bin Laden and the “blessed” Attacks of September 11, ”he added.

The leader of the terrorist group Ayman al Zawahiri, even appears in one of the videos, which is 60 minutes long. “This time, by offering a few proof that he is not deadKatz warned. By December, rumors of his presumed death began to spread.

“At the same time, chains, groups, robots and members of the group enshrined an uninterrupted transmission of events, in accordance with the ISIS communications manual, ”Katz reported.

After the Taliban took control of the government of Afghanistan and the subsequent withdrawal of US troops from the territory, which they consider to be “the greatest victory” since the attack, terrorist networks have launched a plan to develop recruitment and dissemination. “As soon as the United States announced the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Al Qaeda began to transform its media structure, creating dozens of groups, each with a different mission, all serving the overall goal of empowerment,” he said. Katz said.

Joe Biden led the tribute at the United Airlines Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania. (Photo: AFP / Jim Watson).

“In the end, we will win”: the post of Osama Bin Laden’s niece

On the other side of the sidewalk Noor Bin Laden, niece of Osama Bin Laden, then head of al-Qaeda, assassinated in 2011 in Pakistan, He also mentioned the anniversary of the attack on his social networks. On your account Twitter, the woman shared a letter she wrote and posted in the early days of September 2020.

“My feelings have not changed”, He added with a letter in which he defended the former president Donald trump, who at the time was competing for re-election. “Trump has shown that he is the only leader who can save us from a bleak future. As evidenced by his first term, the results of his policy America first they speak for themselves, ”he said.

Bin Laden said “to be sure that the name I wear is unethical to the values ​​I have”. Then he added that his heart “is in the right place”; that is to say alongside the Americans. “I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he would run in early 2015. I have watched him from afar and I admire the determination of this man“, noted.


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