Video of shocking meteor explosion in Kamchatka night sky


Nachiki’s neighbors recorded the explosion of the meteorite entering the atmosphere (Photo: video capture).

The inhabitants of the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka were surprised by the shock explosion of a meteorite in the middle of the night sky. This happened in the town of Nachiki, where neighbors recorded the object’s bright entry into Earth’s atmosphere.

One of the most disseminated videos on social media is that recorded by the driver of a car, who managed to capture the last moments of the rocky body on the way to Russian soil. At the end of the video, we observe how the meteorite suddenly explodes and the sky regains its absolute darkness.

According to international media, scientists working at the ultrasound station in the city of Nachiki also detected the entry of the object into the atmosphere. They reported that the event occurred on Monday, January 11 at 8:09 a.m. (local time), near the west coast of Kamchatka.

On the other hand, experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences added that the bolide was moving during 55 seconds between the thick layers of the atmosphere before exploding above the Nachiki sky.

The moment of the meteorite explosion (Photo: video capture).

According to preliminary data collected by Russian scientists, the meteorite had a diameter less than 10 meters. Still, they calculated that the energy released by their explosion was equivalent to between 1 and 5 kilotons of tri-nitrotoluene (TNT). For comparison, the Hiroshima bomb released about 16 kilotons.

“It’s an important phenomenon. According to the video, the rocky body represents between 5% and 10% of the largest objects that fall on Earth each year. It’s not a very common event, ”explained Olga Popova, a researcher at the Institute for Geospatial Dynamics at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The false warning for the 2009 asteroid JF1

Despite the fact that various celestial bodies which do not pose a danger to Earth enter the atmosphere on a daily basis, it appeared this week that an asteroid “Potentially dangerous” could have an impact on our planet by May 2022. On social media, the information was originally attributed to NASA. However, this was refused.

According to the Institute of Astronomy (IA) of UNAM in Ensenada, Baja California, the object exists and is called 2009 JF1. It has a size that varies between 15 and 17 meters and it moves at the incredible speed of 23.92 kilometers per second.

However, experts pointed out that possibilities the impact are distant. “There is no certainty that it will strike Earth. There is a very low probability of 0.02%“Said Joel Humberto Castro Chacón, Professor Conacyt attached to the above-mentioned institution.


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