Video of Sliding Assault Tank Protesters in Caracas | Chronic


In the vicinity of La Carlota air base, a group of Venezuelan protesters clashed at noon with military personnel who responded to the government's Nicolás Maduro. There, the leader of the opposition Juan Guaidó He had provoked an uprising against the incumbent president and called on the Bolivarian people to take to the streets.

I also read:"Venezuela has gone through this process with a lot of emotion and anguish"

One of the most tense moments of this bloody day was when hundreds of Venezuelan citizens marched through the streets and clashed with the armed forces. Until the situation was dramatic, one of the army tanks responding to Maduro escalated a splitter and crushed several protesters.

The fact was recorded in a video broadcast by Snail News and he quickly became viral. The advance of military vehicles on the demonstration has provoked the outrage of thousands of users on social networks.

According to the information portal that shared the footage, the protesters were also shot dead by Chavez's army and had to lie on the ground not to hurt themselves.

I also read: Maduro pointed out that he had the loyalty of military commanders: "Venceremos!"

For his part, Maduro had ensured that commanders across the country expressed their loyalty and called for popular mobilization. "ensure the victory of peace".

Nerves of steel! I spoke with the commanders of all the REDI and ZODI of the country, who showed their total loyalty to the people, the Constitution and the homeland. I call the maximum popular mobilization to ensure the victory of La Paz. We will win!

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
April 30, 2019


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