Video: panic at the appearance of a ghost in a retirement home closed for elder abuse | the Chronicle


An impressive viral video broadcast on Youtube made a lot of noise in the UK because shows suspected ghost inside nursing home facilities which bears the name of “Residence of hell”, after closed in 2015 due to the sub-human conditions they subjected their grandparents to.

Explorers Matt Nadin Yes Andy thompson They got more than they bargained for by sneaking into Mossley Manor nursing home in the British city of Liverpool.

The South Yorkshire duo, who call themselves Finders Beepers History Seekers, filmed themselves exploring the dismal building, which is now riddled with damp and mold, before Matt spotted a strange figure that look at them at the top of the stairs “, the description says. This clip manages to capture a humanoid-looking figure, which has sparked a big debate on social media. The video was quick to generate reactions in Youtube, among Internet users who consume this type of content.

“They spot a mysterious figure in an abandoned residence”, The viral video is named in Youtube, posted on the channel Caters Clips. The material exceeds 25,400 views on the famous YouTube channel. Especially Chat clips Usually posts amazing videos on Youtube, reason why it already exceeds one million 800 thousand subscribers.

This type of content does not take long to go viral Youtube and other platforms, as it shows the human being in a possible encounter with paranormal activities. Facts which, although very frightening, always attract the attention of the most curious.


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