Video: Penguins are the stars of the moving scene "hand in hand" – Viral


The scene of a pair of united penguins as they "held hands" captivated users of social networks

The moment was recorded by the coast of in Cape Town, South Africa reaching more than 2.3 million views and generating thousands of comments since its publication in Twitter July 2, in a new viral video on networks.

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In the video, it seems like the birds are looking at each other tenderly as they walk together along a long way. beach, a scene which of course many people have linked to their own romantic relationships.

Facts About Penguins:

1. It has always been believed that these birds are a symbol of romance, because the couple with whom they choose to have their offspring is usually their companion of life. This is why they are characterized by their eternal loyalty.

In case his "chubby and pretty" appearance generates tenderness in many people.

2. Did you know that April 25 is World Penguin Day? This date was created to promote the care and protection of these wonderful birds, which also coincides with the migration to the north of Adelaide penguins of Antarctica .

3. It is thought that there are 17 species of penguins, including Aptendytes (Penguins), Pygoscelis (Brown-tailed Penguins), Eudyptula (Little Penguins), Megadyptes (Only one type of Megadypte penguin survives), and Eudyptes (Penguins with ridge).

4. Penguins, unlike many species, have a special gland that allows them to consume salt water. Through their mechanism, they can filter and remove excess chlorine, sodium and potbadium in the blood.

5. If a female, a male, or a pair of these birds loses their egg, they may try to steal theirs from another pair of their species.

6. Penguins, although competent in the aquatic environment, can only hold their breath for 20 minutes and can not swim backwards.

7. These birds use their tail on the ground to maintain balance in their typical way of standing up, and are also able to move quickly by jumping with both feet, or "slipping" over their belly on the slopes.

Linda Yicela Hernandez Sánchez –

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