Video revealed in which opponent admits deal to fire Evo


The appearance of this video, part of which Morales himself had already broadcast on his Twitter in 2019, left as a backdrop the postponement of the judicial summons to Camacho, initially scheduled for tomorrow, to testify precisely in the case. in which The coup against the Aymara leader is under investigation.

This appointment was suspended because the prosecution has an “investigation strategy” which establishes that his father must appear first, José Luis Camacho.

“A summons to appear has been issued to Luis Fernando Camacho, to appear tomorrow at 9 am and the prosecution has decided to take the father’s statement first; this alleged situation changes the schedule. It is necessary that, by investigative strategy, the father’s statement is received first, ”explained the prosecutor. Omar Mejillones, member of the commission of inquiry, cited by the portal The duty.

Yesterday Camacho Sr. submitted a request to surrender to the Santa Cruz Public Prosecutor’s Office because he claimed health issues were preventing him from moving to La Paz. The prosecutor’s office will therefore analyze the request within three days, with the assessment of a forensic pathologist. , then designate dates for your statement and reassign your child’s statement.

The ups and downs of the presentation of the Governor of Santa Cruz occurred alongside the release of unreleased fragments of the video already posted by Morales on December 28, 2019.

“The conversation was long and he said to me: “I am going to overthrow Evo Morales, but promise me to be president.” I said to him, ‘Now let’s get democracy back first.’ “No, I guarantee you that we will overthrow him”Camacho recounted in the video, in which he reproduces the dialogue.

Camacho was seen as a key figure in the downfall of Morales following the October 2019 elections, in which the government was accused of at the time unproven electoral fraud and later dismissed by international academic audits and by local courts.

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The elections were followed by a 21-day strike, a police riot and a demand for Morales to resign from the armed forces.

When, almost two years ago, Morales released part of the video, Camacho seemed to have already claimed that he had asked the police and the army not to suppress marches against the government to wear down the president’s administration.

Camacho confirms that civilians spoke with the army and police to overthrow my government. It was a coup even though (Jeanine) Áñez, (Carlos) Table and Camacho himself tries to deny it; the video is irrefutable proof. Justice must act against coup plotters and genocidaires, ”Morales’s tweet said.

“Did you just notice? We don’t just talk with the police and the military so that they don’t repress; We also coordinate with Conamaq, miners, red ponchos and workers. There were councils all over the country where the Bolivians were deciding how to end your dictatorship. Your cowardly escape was the cherry! “Camacho himself replied on the same social network.

Conamaq is the National Council of Ayllus and Markas del Qullasuyu, an organization of nationalities and indigenous peoples of the Bolivian highlands created in 1997.

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The current situation has raised the expectation of a future presence of Camacho in La Paz: on the one hand, the Union Juvenil Cruceñista (UJC) issued a statement to “summon citizens to a vigil in order to avoid travel of the governor “. other self-proclaimed pro-government groups hung posters in the country’s institutional capital with the photo of the civic leader and the caption “Facho found, Camacho hanged”.

In the picture, the town hall has a T-shirt with a swastika, but there were also dolls hanging from the bridges, with posters that read: “Racist Camacho, the wiphala is respected”, due to the incidents of two weeks ago with the flag of the communities of Santa Cruz, in an official act.

The leader Freddy rojas, cited by the newspaper website Page seven, said the interventions were made by a group of which he is a member, but clarified that it was not “a threat, but rather” a precedent because there are a lot of motivated people, angry “and not excluding a possible” peaceful “march” towards Santa Cruz.

For his part, Camacho celebrated the postponement of his summons to court, which he attributed to “the indignation” of the inhabitants of Santa Cruz.

“The prosecution is suspending my statement and the truth behind this decision is only one: my people did not leave me alone. The summons sparked general outrage among residents of Santa Cruz who reject the abuses because they know our fight in 2019 was to defend democracy“, he wrote on his Twitter account.

His lawyer, Jerjes Justiniano, considered that the suspension responds to the fact that “the government and its operational arms, the public prosecutor and the judiciary, have measured the political effects of the fact that Luis Fernando Camacho has probably testified, probably apprehended or probably detained”, a- he told the network. Unitel.

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