Video: Scientists create a liquid metal that stretches as in "Terminator"


Chinese researchers have created a flexible liquid metal capable of stretching in three dimensions and changing shape through the manipulation of magnets, according to a report published in the ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces magazine.

According to specialists, elements such as gallium and some alloys badociated with nickel or iron can produce liquid metals and change its shape, which looks like the film's aptitude android Terminator & # 39; to change shape. in liquid material.

Similar substances created previously and presented in other studies posed two problems. The first was the inability of metals to stretch vertically and the second was the fact that manipulation would only be possible when the substance was completely immersed in water (otherwise it would be transformed into a kind of paste).

However, in subsequent tests as part of this study, the specialists managed to go further. They added iron particles to an alloy drop of gallium, indium and tin immersed in hydrochloric acid. After that, a layer of gallium oxide was formed on the surface of the drop, which reduced the surface tension of the liquid metal. When scientists used two magnets in opposite directions, they were able to stretch the drop almost four times longer.

The researchers also managed to manipulate the liquid metal to connect two horizontal electrodes and, thanks to their conductive properties, light a led bulb. In addition, the new substance stretches vertically and connected to the electrode out of the water without becoming pasty.

According to specialists, these advances could find applications in the field of soft robotics and the creation of more flexible robots.




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