Video: Seven university students died in Bolivia after falling from fourth floor


At least seven students died and others five were injured after falling from a fourth floor on Tuesday of the Public University of El Alto (UPEA), in Bolivia. The students rushed into the void when a balustrade gave way, because of the crowd.

“From this accident, seven died and five are in critical condition, some stabilizing” in hospitals in the city of El Alto, said the Minister of Health, Jayson Auza.

Previously, the Minister of the Interior of the Government, Eduardo del Casillo, had reported a figure different from that recognized by his peer. According to Castillo, the dead were five with three injured.

A crowd of students They were trying to enter a congregation on the fourth floor of the university. Most of them, rushing to make a presence in one of the classrooms, they did not realize the pressure he was exerting on one of the balustrades of the enclosure.

Then, and as could be demonstrated through videos posted on social networks, the thrusts gave way to the structure, causing a group of students to fall downstairs. Others managed to desperately cling to their companions so as not to suffer the same end, in the midst of a cry.


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