VIDEO: So they mistreated a four-month-old baby in a garden in La Plata


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The event occurred in August 2018 and Pili attended the garden "Adventures in diapers", located in the heart of La Plata, only a month.

It was that Carolina saw that the baby was wearing bruise-compatible marks and decided to file a criminal complaint. Nine months later, the complaint was brought before the Court of Guarantees No. 6, in charge of Guillermo Atencio.

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Until now, the fact is clbadified as "minor injuries". But because of the seriousness of the badaults presented in the video, the family's lawyer will ask to move to "Homicide as an indication".

"We are talking about a four-month-old baby, who could have choked him up and who has done it again after more than an hour and a half, with a blanket on his face," explained the family lawyer. Martina Raffetto.

"Not only what appears in the video is very serious, during the month that Pili went to this nursery, and this is accredited by the pediatrician, the baby stopped growing, that is to say that during a month, a four month old baby It keeps growing, not at all, "said the lawyer. "There is an obvious fraud," he added.

"He covered his face with a blanket so that she could stop crying.

Caroline last week -mama of Pili- He had access to the videos of the abuse suffered by his daughter. After viewing them, he made a disclaimer in his account. Facebook: "Yesterday, after seven months of anguish, I lived one of the saddest days of my life." I watched the video in which my daughter Pili, four months old at the time, was "This is the teacher who appears on the photo," he writes, with injuries to his arm and face.

The answer of the garden

This Wednesday the garden lawyer appeared at the door of the institution, Juan Beluardo, who confirmed that the teacher had been disengaged as soon as the fact was known.

"From the beginning, we put ourselves at the disposal of the prosecutor Marcelo Romero, the owner of the day care, Gabriela Nicoletti, has leukemia.It was summoned to testify to his hospitalization.That is why we are going to present today, "she explained. statements to the media.

In this sense, Beluardo badured that until now there were no more complaints. "It was an isolated event", considered the lawyer.


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