VIDEO: Surprise for the appearance of two Guazu water will, animals in danger of extinction


Couple from Aguara Guazu to San Javier

The destruction of their habitat, hunting and the danger of being killed have helped to reduce the number of canids.

The origin of the Guazú watering registration was made on the Facebook page of the Cooperativa Arrocera San Salvador. They had not been captured for several years.

According to several protection organizations, there are about 600 copies in the country and at the global level, it is included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

El Agua Guazú lives mainly in the provinces of Chaco, Formosa and Corrientes. It can also be found in Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

Although not an aggressive animal with the human being, he was blindly hunted, thinking that he was the mythical creature known as "lobizón".


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