Video: teachers dragged a student in the halls – News


The parents of the minor have also called for legal action to be taken over what happened.

In the video from the school’s cameras, you can see how the teacher pulls the student’s wrist, and with the dean, they drag him down the stairs and then pick him up and hold him by the waistband of his pants.

The Lake County School District report says the school principal learned of the situation when the guards shared a message from the dean, bragging about his methods.

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He said he had to make “the” Superman bra “and pull the boxers very tight” on the boy, grabbing him by his belt as he continued to drag him above the floor.

“It breaks my heart, because as a father I want to protect him. And knowing that I can’t hurt, ”the boy’s father commented sadly.

The boy’s mother said her son described other inappropriate behavior that had not been filmed, such as throwing him into a chair and having one of the guards shake his neck.

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The incident happened on March 8 and earlier the family had received calls from the school claiming the child was having behavioral issues.

The establishment described him as a rebellious and provocative child, who repeatedly ran in an attempt to escape when school workers tried to discipline him or send him to the principal’s office.

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In media statements, Eustis police reported that the prosecutor’s office was consulted after the investigation into the events and that it was determined that there was no criminal intent, so the the case was closed.


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