Video The announcement of the abandonment of Burger King after accusations of racism


The fast food chain Burger King today removed an ad showing customers trying to eat hamburgers with giant toothpicks after he was denounced as racist in Chinese social networks.

Video appeared on the social network Instagram to promote the new burger of the company "Vietnamese tendrecrisp burger with sweet pepper", Vietnamese inspired, and provoked the fury of Chinese social networks like Sina Webo, in which the hashtag"Burger King's apologies " It has been seen more than 50 million, so the chain ended up retiring today.

So it's the new Burger King advertisement for a "Vietnamese" hamburger. Ok coolcoolcoolcoolcool CHOPSTICKS R HILARIOUS right omg etc.

– Maria (@mariahmocarey) April 4, 2019

"The advertisement in question is insensitive and does not reflect the values ​​of our brand in terms of diversity and inclusion, we asked our franchise in New Zealand to remove it immediately," said the department. Burger King media relations. A declaration.

Burger King entered the Chinese market in 2005 and has about a thousand establishments in the Asian giant.

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