Video: the cold moment in which a couple survives the lightning – 15/04/2019


Magda Gallardo and her husband Marcel They left for the adventure: they wanted to reach the top of the mbadif of Montseny, in Catalonia, Spain. Prepared, they sought to portray the moment. But things did not go as planned.

They had left the town of Mataró, although the weather changed suddenly and they were surprised by a storm. When they approached the target, they were captured temporarily.

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Tuesday, April 9 at noon, they reached the summit of Agudas, in the province of Girona, a mountain of 1,706 meters very popular in the area. About 50 kilometers from Barcelona. They recorded the moment of arrival at the cross that marks the summit, when they were surprised by an electric shock.

The next moment was dramatic. Attracted by the cross and also by the humidity of the ground, a lightning strike fell to a few centimeters from the place where they were. Marcel felt the impact and found himself on the ground. But, miraculously, they managed to survive.

The cross, the place chosen to represent the moment.

The cross, the place chosen to represent the moment.

Marcel's shoe, the leg in the air.

Marcel's shoe, the leg in the air.

As they explained a few hours later during a TV show in Catalonia, they received only the shockwave and this ray was the only one that they had seen all morning in these mountains.



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