Video: the dog was born with one eye, two languages ​​and no nose | the Chronicle


A strange case occurred in the Asian country of the Philippines, where a dog was born with multiple genetic deformities, so it had only one eye located in the center of the head, two tongues located on either side of the mouth, and no nose. . this caused him severe breathing difficulties, which led to his death.

The puppy, white, was born on February 6 in the Philippine province of Aklan and according to its owner, Friend Of Martin, was brought into the world with another puppy by her dog.

The situation that surprised De Martin was that if one of the puppies was born normal and without any complications, the case of the other puppy was the opposite.

Facing the complications that the dog must have been able to ingest his mother’s milk, his owner fed him a dropper and powdered milk, while she took him to the vet in the hope to make it survive.

However, the dog named “Cyclops” He couldn’t arrive the next day and died the same day he was born that night.

“The vet said Cyclops’ mother probably ate something poisonous. But Cyclops’ mother is a menopausal cub, so that could have been another reason., explained about the dog De Martin.


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