Social network users said the two parties had the worst of all (Video: Twitter @roberto_ruizg)
In social networks, there has already been a constant publication of videos of citizens who badault police or police who attack citizens, but some images that ran on Twitter and show the differences between two civilians in uniform and two civilians denied a series of comments on the need to restore mental health.
In the video is shown the beginning of a discussion in a corner of Mexico, where two police officers and a motorist debated the van in the reserved lane – priority to public transit -. After, a woman comes out of the unit and first strikes one of the cops in the back and then try to slap him.
In the recording you hear a woman who claims: "Why are you hitting?", But we can not tell if the voice comes from someone who is watching the scene or who came out of the car to claim the police.
After, the driver spits one of the cops, who reacted by kicking the truck. The driver tries to pull him out the window, but he can not get out of the car.
At once puts his truck in motion not without first having shouted to beings in uniform a being of resonant words.
"Wrinkles, blows, spitting, kicking and mentoring of the mother! This is how "authority" and a shameful couple solve a road conflict. What can we expect in the really important things? The worst example of the two parts. It's Mexico that embarrbades me and pisses me off, "wrote the Twitter user who posted the video.
"I believe that both parties have nothing but nothing of educationthe local police who are fining them stop and do nothing, and the other people release a lot of resonant words, AND THERE IS NO RESPECT, "said a user commented on the publication.
On other occasions, including via social networks, videos have been published in citizens insult but also crush to the police so as not to pay a fine or in response to a wake-up call.
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