Video: The frustrated attempt of a thief to break the glass of a car


When a thief has thrown a brick with the intention of breaking the glass of a car, the object bounced against the window of the vehicle and hit the face of the assailant.

The event, which occurred on October 5 in the British city of Brandon, was captured by the security cameras of the house where the car was located, reported El País de España.

Martin Craig, the owner, a 32 year old wheelchair user, said he had not noticed the event until the police informed him.

"This nice person thought he could steal my car, but the karma finally hit him in the face, "He said in statements collected by the DailyMail.

"I did not even know what had happened until the police knocked on my door at 10:30 am to tell me that I had surprised someone who was trying to talk to me. try to get in my vehicle, "he adds.

In addition, Craig also states that when they viewed the video, they made fun of what happened.



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