Video: the intense duel between a leopard and a porcupine – News


A leopard and a porcupine fought fiercely in South Africa’s Kruger National Park, watched by dozens of onlookers.

Mariette Langman, a South African photographer who was on site, was able to shoot a video that quickly went viral.

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In the pictures you can see how the feline tried to pounce on the defending little animal showing off the characteristic spikes that cover its skin. In this way, he managed to dodge attacks and injure his opponent’s legs.

According to some witnesses, the duel lasted more than an hour and the leopard withdrew without being able to attack its prey.

“It was something I had never seen before. The fight lasted around 90 minutes and the leopard took three short breaks, licking its paws before continuing the fight. Afterwards, the two of them simply walked away. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience, ”said the photographer.

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