Video: The jump to the elastic band was finished, the rope was cut and the spine was broken


A 39-year-old man broke his spine after the rope was cut off during a jump to the elastic band. The incident, which occurred in a park in Gadyna, Poland, was recorded in a video.

The man jumped into the void from a height of 50 meters, but the rope that held him broke off and fell on an inflatable mattress. As a result, he had a fracture in the spine and had to be hospitalized.

The incident occurred on Sunday, July 21, according to Clarín. The fault was in the strap attached to the ankles of the man.

In a statement, the park said: "As we are the only company to organize the bungee jump in Poland, we always use a special mattress – Tokyoo Pillows – to avoid major accidents. In this regrettable situation, it was the only effective security. We clarify that we work in coordination with the police. "


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