Video: the magic of Malargüe with its snowy streets


"I am the prisoner of eternal snow," said the voice of Mario Vazquez when he interpreted the words of Julián Contreras "Malargüe and his magic".

A reader of MDZ He did not miss the opportunity to document the heavy snowfall that covered the streets of Malargüe Monday and Tuesday from the heated cabin of his car.

The finale, the music of atmosphere, precisely that of Vazquez y Contreras, describes all the affection aroused by this department of the south of Mendoza.

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The video was filmed from Av. San Martín Boulevard. In the background, you will see the famous Cinquantenaire clock, inaugurated on November 16, 2000, with its 15 meters height and its total weight of 550 kg.

Beyond the postcards, Malargüe started this week with serious complications due to the weather. In fact, the cold was so extreme that Tuesday, his city was at the top of the ranking of the most icy of the country, with 0.9 ° C and 5.6 ° C below the zero thermal sensation.

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Among other things, the heavy snowfall forced the closure of the road link with San Rafael, as well as other internal roads, and hampered the provision of electrical service. As of 4 am, the city was without light due to a network failure. According to Edemsa, the problem was in the Las Salinas area of ​​San Rafael, and at noon a specialized staff could go to the Cuesta de los Terneros to get to work, the road being handicapped by ice and snow .

We leave here the complete song of Mario Vazquez, to return to see the video.



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