Video: The moving reaction of a baby who listens for the first time – 05/02/2019


A fascinating video of the moment when a 11 months old baby Listening for the first time became viral after his mother posted it on social networks.

The little Scarlet Benjamin, from Georgia, United States was born six months of gestation and within the hospital, neonatology contracted a bacterial infection causing deafness, according to his mother, Carol Dianne Banjamin, at the "Good Morning America" ​​show.

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The family has spent the last eight months traveling to Athens, Milledgeville and Augusta, USA, to find the cure, until Atlanta Hearing Associates specialists in Midgeville, Georgia, identify the problem and can solve it.

"We thought he heard the sounds better, but when we used the headphones, we realized he was not hearing as well as we thought," Dianne said. Images of the baby's reaction delighted the networks. The video has already accumulated nearly 300,000 reproductions.

Scarlet is 11 months old. The baby was born premature and this caused him problems of listening.

Scarlet is 11 months old. The baby was born premature and this caused him problems of listening.

With the help of hearing aids he listened for the first time.

With the help of hearing aids he listened for the first time.

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"It was a long and moving experience and Scarlet responded to most of the sounds, so we think she can listen very well, after what I saw today, I can say that hearing aids are an incredible improvement"Wrote the woman next to the video.

The story is not new: it was shared in mid-January, but it has become viral again.


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