Video: The new Airbus, a "bird of prey" that is already provoking controversy


Airbus has anticipated the rest, but not without controversy. The entire aviation industry is thinking and considering changing its aviation vision at this stage. We are looking for new designs, minor and major modifications to existing aircraft and, most importantly, future ideas that will help the industry deal with one of its biggest, if not most important, problems: excessive consumption of fossil fuels and polluting.

The Spanish newspaper The confidential On Monday, he said that "to achieve this goal, there are projects of all kinds, electric motors with solar or ionic jets, but they are as striking as the one that Airbus has just launched and the French company wants to create a airplane that emulates almost literal) to a bird of prey ".

The Spanish newspaper adds: "This may sound crazy, but the European society itself has been tasked with unveiling this strange invention (specially called" bird of prey ") which it has been thinking about for a long time. company and that it was possible to see through a conceptual video that they published on their social networks, it would be a bird-shaped plane of prey that would imitate these birds with a lot of detail I would be looking for very significant energy savings over current aircraft. "

The & # 39;#BirdOfPrey& # 39; Takes the wing! This sleek new concept is inspired by the eagle to create a hybrid electric design with individually controlled feathered wings. We are always looking for new and innovative ideas. How would your plane be inspired?

– Airbus (@Airbus) July 19, 2019

The idea, which left no one indifferent, draws a lot of attention on the strange design that it presents. It's a plane with falcon-style wings even at the ends, a body similar to any eagle and a tail that follows the line of these animals. In addition, it would require propellers and the front is the closest to the current aircraft. It's something very strange, but everything has its explanation.



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