Video: The pilot rescued a woman who was trying to jump from a bridge


The event was produced in the Mexican city of Guadalajara and the images quickly became viral in social networks.

Suicides are commonplace in Mexico and the authorities are working to alleviate this scourge which caused 6,285 deaths in 2016, according to the country's National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

In the last few hours, a video began to circulate in which a young woman was rescued by the driver of a collective and others as she tried to jump off a bridge.

The incident occurred in the Aztec city of Guadalajara and the driver rescued her by locating the vehicle just below where the woman wanted to jump. Although she was released, the injuries she sustained when they fell on the roof of the bus were light.

A pbaderby who was pbading by captured images that quickly became viral in social networks.

The young woman, who was going to an institute a few meters from the stage, was supported by a group of people who wanted to avoid being thrown and released her when they saw that the group was located to save her.


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