Video | The separatists attack singer Marta Sánchez during her concert in Badalona with tomatoes and eggs


May 20, 2019
– 17:05

At the cry of "fascist", a group of people badaulted the popular artist, who had to suspend the presentation in Barcelona.

The singer Marta Sánchez he had to suspend his concert "Popstar by Brian Cross special edition LGTBI" in the city of Badalona, Barcelona, having been attacked by huevazos in the middle of the stage.

The concert was intended to commemorate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobiabut a group of separatists He went into the scene and badaulted the artist.

The video of Marta Sánchez's attack

"It's not worth it to answer these cowards, who are only looking for advertising, but I'll do it for so many messages of support that I receive." I will not go into interviews on the subject, because what I really want is to forget this unpleasant incident, which was without a doubt the worst I've ever experienced on a stage"The singer said.

"I want to emphasize that I wrote these words to end a series that led to my career in piano and singing, and this melody was perfect, to talk about my return home after four years in l & # 39; abroad. Someone who is or has been in this situation, I am sure you feel identified with this letter, what I did with all my love for my country that I like a lot and unpretentious other than that, even if there are people who do not see it that way. Next time, will they be stones? Where are we going to come, gentlemen! Think about it and do not use me as a scapegoat for a problem that concerns us all. Thank you always to those who support me and respect me. A big hug for everyone, especially for the public, "he said.


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