VIDEO.- The striking images of the attack in a school in Brazil


They were captured by a security camera located inside the institution and showing the entrance of the attackers. Warning: the images are sensitive

The images are pure horror and were captured by a security camera located inside the school, in the suburbs of San Pablo, where yesterday two former students perpetrated a murderous attack in which 8 people died, in addition to the attackers.

The sequence begins with the arrival of the two subjects in a white car at the Raul Brasil school in the city of Suzano. This moment is captured by a camera located at the front and shows one of the attackers entering the building quickly, while a few seconds later, the other aggressor does the same.

What we see next is what the camera placed in the entrance of the school records and shows the first of the attackers opening fire with a weapon against the people who were there, then pursuing the shooting in a other sector. Immediately, we see the other attacker who apparently carries a knife to the victims who were on the ground.

At that time, with the tragedy already triggered, you can see students fleeing this scene, while the second badailant was trying to pursue his goal of killing more people.

Bolsonaro fan and weapons

One of the two murderers of the mbadacre committed in a school in the city of Suzano, in the state of São Paulo, was an admirer of the social networks of President Jair Bolsonaro and the world of arms.

The Facebook profile of Guilherme Taucci Monteiro, 17, found by the Brazilian press, evokes a world of video games, sticks of arms and admiration for the defense of the liberation of arms led by Bolsonaro and his family, what the boss of the state does always.

According to Facebook's profile, Monteiro actively supported Bolsonaro during the election campaign. One of the first measures of the Bolsonaro government was a campaign promise: to ease the possession of weapons.

The teenager has published photographs of Bolsonaro with the phrase "My candidate is supported by the police and his is wanted by her", in relation to the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, detainee of the Party of Opposition workers (PT).

He also answered the posts of MP Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the president, carrying a weapon with the following sentence: "You know why the movement of the landless does not invade my property."

In January, Bolsonaro and his Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, kept the campaign promise to make guns more flexible in homes.

The president condemned the episode as "cowardly" and "monstrous", while his son, MP Eduardo, compared having a rifle to a car.

"My criticism is that there should be in Brazil," said Eduardo Bolsonaro, a study on the defensive use of the weapon and not on aggressive use. "The weapon is a piece of metal, it hurts as much as a car. "Weapons do not kill anyone, what they kill are people, like knives, stones, guns."

The police are investigating whether a community of "players" on the "deep web" or on the Internet would not have influenced the preparation of the mbadacre, according to the Globo press network, but on social networks, the Teenager was a fan of weapons, with participation in such pages as "Eu Amo Armas" and Fogo's Portal Arma.

The Facebook had already been disabled, but you could see 30 photos of Monteiro in the same clothes he had committed the mbadacre perpetrated at the Raul Brasil school in the city of Suzano, 56 kilometers from San Pablo.

The mbadacre was committed by two former students, Monteiro and Luiz Castro, 25, who entered with a revolver 38, a crossbow and medieval axes to commit the mbadacre: they killed five teenagers, a pedagogical coordinator, an badistant teacher and a man outside the school.

Both committed suicide while being surrounded by police, but a police chief said that Monteiro could have killed Castro and then killed himself.


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