Video: the terrible confrontation between two “monster trucks” of drug trafficking


The narco war that takes place in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas added a new episode broadcast on social networks: the confrontation between two narco tanks, also called “Monster” trucks, organizations Gulf Cartel and Northeast Cartel.

In a short video filmed from one of these vehicles, we see how two armored trucks of drug dealers fight each other with large caliber weapons in Tamaulipas, where three Gulf Cartel leaders are based.

In the town of Reynosa, authorities’ information located brothers Ernesto and Héctor Sánchez Rivera, and Carlos Roel Collazol, members of Los Metros, a remaining faction of the Gulf cartel.

It was from this same town where they came from, at the end of 2011, some of the first images of these armored vehicles, which are also used to intimidate soldiers from other criminal groups.

Clashes between drug cartels Tamaulipas they intensified in 2010, after Los Zetas broke with the Gulf Cartel, based in the city of Matamoros.

The new video comes a week after several clashes were recorded in the municipalities of Matamoros and Río Bravo, near the border with the United States.

Truck "Monster" drug trafficking in the city of Aguililla, Michoacán (AP)
Drug trafficking “monster” truck in the town of Aguililla, Michoacán (AP)

Earlier this month, images of members of the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel emerged, where they showed two war trophies Monster trucks armored with iron plates, in the streets of the state of Michoacán located in western Mexico.


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