Video: they left her for dead, but she moved her hand and it happened something unexpected – 11/03/2019


A 33-year-old Colombian, identified as Carmen Adriana Méndez, was attacked by two men in the El Rodeo neighborhood of Cali and when the authorities arrived They killed him. But when they took her to the morgue, something unexpected happened.

It all happened around 10 pm, when neighbors heard four shots in the street and saw an apparently lifeless body on the floor, covering his head and face. Immediately, a police patrol and a forensic team of the Technical Investigation Corps (CTI) arrived, who closed the premises with security tapes.

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They then proceeded to the technical inspection during which they reported and gathered evidence, including gun sheaths, reported El Tiempo. At the same time, they badigned the alleged body to the relevant procedures to determine identity until injury.

When they were going to move the body to Legal Medicine, a person who was on site was observing the scene and said they saw movements of the victim's fingers. Effectively I was alive and, therefore, they transferred it urgently to Primitivo Iglesias Hospital.

The body of technical investigation was about to move the body to the morgue when the woman started to move (screen capture).

The body of technical investigation was about to move the body to the morgue when the woman started to move (screen capture).

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Cali Health Secretary Nelson Sinisterra said the confusion could be generated because the vital signs of the victim were very weakin addition to being unconscious.

At the hospital, the doctors determined that Méndez had received a bullet wound to the right shoulder blade and a left thigh injury. In this sense, they indicated that the system is stable and can be recovered.

The men who attacked her have not yet been captured and are investigating whether the woman was a direct victim of these two men or if she was there.


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