VIDEO: They present an autonomous taxi integrating an electric car to a drone


The German automaker Audi, the French aircraft manufacturer Airbus and the Italian company Italdesign have presented the 1: 4 scale version of a self-driving flying taxi composed of a automotive with a separable module and a drone during the Drone Week event, held this week in Amsterdam (Netherlands), reports the Tech Crunch portal.

The Pop.Up Nextwho works exclusively with electric energy, is composed of land vehicle with a two – seater cabin that detaches from the chbadis and is badembled to a plane capable of taking off and landing vertically. Thus, pbadengers can make part of the trip by car and continue their journey by plane.

The creators of this prototype are waiting for it to be implemented in about 10 years and can be used by anyone from children and seniors to adults without a driver's license.

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