Video: Young cyclist killed after fleeing thieves in central Bogotá


Cold blooded, Thieves took his belongings from a young cyclist in Bogotá, who died after trying to flee the attempted theft and being hit by a motorcycle on Calle 13 in Bogotá.

The incident took place in the west-east lane of this road corridor in the capital, between races 21 and 19, at around 5:57 a.m. on June 13, as the victim returned home and most of the business premises in the city. sector, mainly for bicycles, were closed.

According to the footage, a cyclist was heading towards the center of the capital on the car lane, while at that point, residents of the street apparently slept on the quay and the cycle path.

When the cyclist caught up with the locals, one of them ran to knock him off his bike. However, the victim tried to escape from it by deviating to the left lanes, not realizing that a motorcycle was behind him.

At that point, a motorcycle knocked him over and they both fell to the ground. The thieves observed the accident, while the victim was still on the ground, and took the opportunity to end the theft and recovered the bicycle to take it with them.

According to Noticias Caracol, a security guard noticed the situation and scared off the thieves, who abandoned the bike. Later, other citizens arrived to take care of the young man lying on the ground.

However, according to information from relatives, the young man identified as Bryan Camilo Vega, has died. “It was my cousin, he died yesterday at noon, I hope that one day we will give back to this thief everything he did to steal him, everything he caused to my family by trying to steal it, ”one person said on a motorcyclists page on Facebook.

The driver of the motorcycle, identified as Lorena Triana, was also injured as a result of the accident. As he told Noticias Caracol, he was going to a downtown hospital where he works.

The woman is said to have suffered a broken collarbone from the fall she suffered in the crash, but it also has severe psychological effects as she claims her life has changed completely. and regrets that a criminal act has brought her to the situation she is currently facing.

Young Camilo Vega was working as a security guard for a residential complex and was apparently returning home after handing over when the incident occurred. He was the father of a daughter and was 27 years old.

The family will seek justice and await the cooperation of authorities so that those responsible can answer for the death of the young man, which the majority of witnesses have put on the thieves who caused the accident in the middle of the attempted theft.

Theft of cyclists in the city is one of the crimes that has increased the most since the start of the pandemic. New facts against people are known daily in different areas of the capital.

Last weekend, 30-year-old Michael Romero decided to leave Bogota on his bike to attend the Gran Fondo Nairo Quintana in the afternoon, back home, after a great day of training, two subjects broached him in the district of Bosques del Pino, in the city of Usaquén, where the theft of his bicycle, worth approximately 9 million pesos, was documented on video.

According to what was reported by the newspaper El Tiempo, at this location north of Bogotá, Michael was approached by subjects who threatened him with a knife and a gun. When he resisted, they decided to hit him. In the end, they managed to take the bike, a Langma Adv black mark.


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