Videos: Polar wave freezes boiling water and puts hairs on the Yankees | Chronic


The polar wave that hit the United States has broken several historical records, but people have decided to deal with it by creating viral videos. Among the most important, boiling water is thrown into the air in order to freeze it immediately.

A subject affected by high temperatures. (Twitter)

The hair of a girl from Iowa, Washington, was also furious; she let them rest on her belly, and when she raised her head she was completely hard and pointed. The video became viral and in a few hours, other people started to imitate it.

In cities like Chicago, temperatures reached 30 degrees below zero with thermal sensations reaching -50ºC. Experts say the worst has not happened yet and people should restrict their street trips even further.

Sweating speeds up the freezing of hair. (Twitter)

Low temperatures hit 250 million Americans, of whom 90 million have been experiencing subzero temperatures for several days.

So they freeze


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