Villarrica volcano: how can it affect its eruption in the cities of Neuquén


The dispersion of this column depends on the winds. It can therefore affect some cities in Neuquén such as Villa Pehuenia (about 80 km in a straight line to the northeast), depending on its direction and the events that took place a few years ago. Aluminé (87 km east), Junín de los Andes (96 km southeast) and San Martín de los Andes (101 km southeast), among the nearest.

Following the recent activity on the Villarrica volcano, for which he was declared to Orange Alert, in the province of Neuquén, many people began to wonder how close he was.

The Villarrica volcano has an uncovered crater 200 m in diameter and, as if that were not enough, one of the most important historical records of eruptions in South America: about 49 since 1558 and the last one was recorded in 2015 .

It is located near the ski center of Pucón (below) and geometric hot springs, two important tourist attraction places. On its slopes are the lakes Calafquen and Pullingue, as well as the towns of Pucura and Coñaripe, all located about 800 kilometers south of Santiago.

Although it is impossible to know in advance, if the eruption of 2015 recurred, the evacuation of the magma to the surface had an approximate height of one kilometer and generated an eruptive column rising between six and eight kilometers from the summit.

The dispersion of this column depends on the winds. It can therefore affect some cities in Neuquén such as Villa Pehuenia (about 80 km in a straight line to the northeast), depending on its direction and the events that took place a few years ago. Aluminé (87 km east), Junín de los Andes (96 km southeast) and San Martín de los Andes (101 km southeast), among the nearest.



The Villarrica volcano has entered orange alert and is expected to increase its activity


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