Violated 100 times baby and transmitted on the Internet: will spend 120 years in prison | Chronic


Steven Douglas Crook Jr. He was sentenced to 120 years in prison for badually abusing a baby from birth to six years old in Bloomfield, Chicago, United States. The defendant filmed the attacks and sometimes transmitted them via social networks.

Crook, 29, of Bloomfield City, received the maximum sentence for his crimes last Monday. The subject was arrested in February 2018 after being reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and confessed to his guilt.

The judge found Crook guilty after discovering photos and videos of his abuses, which led him to be sentenced for pedophilia on mobile devices. The accused even broadcast live abuses on the social network and encouraged his supporters to attend his crimes, according to a lawyer's statement. Marc Krickbaum.

The judge Stéphanie M. Rose sentenced the accused and sentenced his crimes by "horrible" and their actions by "insidious, reflective and manipulative". The magistrate said that Crook controlled his victim. He sent him to jail when he envisioned it "very dangerous"for the children, having hidden their crimes for years.

The victim was rescued by authorities last March from Crook's home. According to police records, she was six years old and had been raped "At least 100 times". The operation also found evidence of abuse in the digital content stored on electronic devices.

One of the folders stored on the storage card on the Crook property was tagged "Child Pornography and bad of Babies", according to the American website "Monks' register".

The girlfriend of the rapist has been charged with 14 crimes.

"Whenever they abuse a child in Iowa, if we have pictures or videos of this abuse, the accused can be sued in federal court and face up to decades, if not to life, behind bars "explained the lawyer Krickbaum, who works at the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of Iowa.

Steve Crook will be sent to a federal prison for the rest of his life. According to the lawyer Krickbaum, the case is an appeal to other defendants like him, "who are a threat to our children, face the most severe penalties allowed by federal law."

Kendra Hoover, his girlfriend, was also arrested. In January of this year, she was charged with 14 counts of serious crimes, including seven for negligence of a dependent and seven for child danger. According to the authorities, she viewed the videos of the violations and allowed the violations to continue.

"In this case, the badual abuse has not been detected for years as family members have not informed the authorities"said lawyer Krickbaum.


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