Violence inflicted on a couple by their 12 year old son: "They chained him to the bathtub and let him die"


Eduardo Pbado, a 12-year-old American, was admitted to an emergency hospital in Bloomington, Indiana, with a serious illness. malnutrition. The pre-adolescent weighed only 22 kilos. When the doctors started to look at it, they understood something else: had signs of violence in the body, compatible with aggression. Ten minutes after entering the guard, he died. Automatically, health professionals targeted parents and They discovered a terrifying plot behind the baby's death.

According to local media, the doctors contacted the police. Luis Posso, 33, and his wife, Dayan Median Flores, 26, were the main suspects of mistreating the child.

The couple, who had three other children, had arrived in the city with the traveling circus and was in charge of announcing the shows. Once spotted, the agents arrested them to explain the badaults of Eduardo. They did not even bother to hide the evidence. On their mobile phones They found pictures and videos where they recorded all types of abuse.

Eduardo Posso, 12, entered the guard, malnourished and beaten.
Eduardo Posso, 12, entered the guard, malnourished and beaten.

The investigators verified that there were documents in which the victim appeared chained to a bathtub in the hotel where they were staying. The parents themselves took pictures by posing next to the boy in captivity. The authorities suspect that he has been tied up until his last day alive and brought him to the hospital.

After meeting all these tests, the police searched the room of this hotel. The situation was getting worse and worse. The defendants had installed a home security camera to control the baby. As well they had left chains and dog collars, that they would have used to immobilize it.

"There are no words to define this type of abuse"Detective Jennifer Allen said Tuesday at a press conference during which the case had been presented. "We can hardly believe it, the horror, the shock, you can not even put it all into words," he added. The other three children of the couple were entrusted to the child protection service.

Now the authorities have argued that They will accuse the parents of murder. At the same time, the detainees denied that they had starved Eduardo, but admitted to having physically abused him because, according to them, he "behaved less well than the others".


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