Violent battle between the police and the "yellow vests" in France | Chronic


Violent clashes between police and protesters were reported this Saturday during a march of the movement "yellow vests" in the streets of the French city of Toulouse, where security forces fired tear gas and carried out an imprecise number of arrests.

The Europa Press Agency reported that during the riots, two vehicles, a truck and a trailer were set on fire. Movement "yellow vest" He wanted to make Toulouse, in the south-east of the country, the new epicenter of events organized in France for months to protest against the policy of President Emmanuel Macron and claim better living conditions.

The mayor of the town, Jean-Claude Moudenc, said his concern before the parade, which was touched soon after by the police response before the launching of projectiles by the protesters. No injuries were reported immediately and no information was provided on the exact number of detainees.

Meanwhile, in Paris, they organized the twenty-second consecutive march to protest against the economic policy of Emmanuel Macron without reported incidents.

Police banned the protest in key locations in the French capital, such as the Champs-Elysees, the National Assembly and the Elysee Palace. The "yellow vests" They were also forbidden to walk in the cities of Lyon, Bordeaux and Lille, the Russian website Sputnik reported.

The French Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, recently announced that the French government is preparing a tax break to meet the demands of social activists, and announced that the average would be announced in mid-April.

The "yellow vests" They emerged in November 2018 to protest the rise in fuel prices commissioned by the Macron government.

However, the claims were later extended to increase taxes in general and to the loss of purchasing power resulting from the government's policy.

They also claim to reform the Constitution so that citizens have the opportunity to promote the holding of national referendums on relevant issues of French politics.


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