Violent clashes with police over curfew in the Netherlands | the Chronicle


Following major weekend riots amid curfew protests in several Dutch cities, in which more than 300 protesters were arrested, the Prime Minister Mark Rutte, condemned the events which he described as acts of “Criminal violence”.

The main cities of the Netherlands have experienced a convulsive weekend due to protests against the curfew decreed before the sustained increase in Covid-19 cases.

As published France 24, This chance to The pitched battle that the European nation has experienced in recent hours has generated a climate of national tension following looting, riots and more than 300 arrests of demonstrators by public forces in an attempt to contain the mobilisations that began on Saturday January 23..

Although the Dutch government has indicated that the situation is under control in the two central towns such as Arnhem, Oosterhout, Breda and Helmond, dozens of riot control agents are still deployed to prevent the repetition of events that Prime Minister Mark Rutte , described as acts of “Criminal violence”.

“We are fighting the virus to regain our freedom. Curfew is still necessary. We do not apply these measures for fun. It is the virus that takes away our freedom “Rutte assured.

What the senior official said shows that 99% of the Dutch “respect the curfew” that it has been in force for two days and that the majority repudiate the riots.

Police officers try to disperse the crowds during the demonstration in Eindhoven. (Rob Engelaar / EFE)

The call for mobilizations was launched through social networks by groups of young people who reject the health measures of the Administration and blockades were carried out despite the fact that the authorities had warned that those who were caught in the street without reasons of force majeure would. be sanctioned.

Amid clashes with officers, some demonstrators threw firecrackers in Tilburg province, where the mayor’s office declared a state of municipal emergency.

Meanwhile, several commercial establishments in the city of Eindhoven were looted, both food stores and premises closed in accordance with government orders.

Facing this panorama Koen Simmers, the director of the Dutch police union, admitted that among police officers there is always fear that the protests will intensify their force and that there will be even more violent disturbances given that, in his opinion, the forces public are not ready to face them.

No riots like this for 40 years

And it is that similar events have not been recorded in the country for more than four decades, which is why local governments and different social groups have urged the protesters to respect the measures and remain calm. since these were ordered to reduce the curve of coronavirus infections, and not on a whim.

Since the onset of the health crisis in February 2020, authorities have reported the detection of 966,170 infections and 13,685 deaths due to the disease that is keeping the country on high alert, which, as the Prime Minister said, will maintain measures in declared force. at least until February 9.

In order to identify the promoters of attacks against the police and businesses, John jorritsma, the mayor of Eindhoven, asked citizens to report the information they even have anonymously and admitted that he feared escalating tensions.


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