Violent kidnapped three electronic bracelets and escaped | Chronic


A man who threatened three women and carried a geo-positioning bracelet for each of them, will spend three years in prison for removing the devices they were looking for. "safeguard the physical and psychic integrity" Buenos Aires informed on Tuesday of its victims.

"He removed the three location-based devices (…), losing all control over where he was, so much so that it took more than a week to find his location. and make the arrest warrant effective, argued the judge Pablo Casas, holder of the 10 Criminal, Contravenal and Buenos Aires Criminal Court.

In a case of threats in the context of badual violence, the man was sentenced to a suspended sentence of imprisonment: he is forbidden to contact the victims and at the approach of 500 meters of their home.

One of her victims, who was her partner and with whom she has children in common, received SMS and WhatsApp with death threats, he was thus helped with the electronic wristband monitoring system.

During her testimony before the judge, the victim reported several episodes of non-compliance, all confirmed by the sound of the warning device.

"Some of the threatening messages also contained details of the clothes that (the victim) was wearing at the time, a fact that demonstrated the proximity of the convict"explained the judge.

One of the other two victims, on the other hand, did not receive a direct message, but stated that "He caused disasters on social networks, on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, saying that she was a crook", and claimed that men came to his business "ask for a badual offer, which does not work"and that they had "Photos of her on their phones."

The convicts had already been warned repeatedly to be in the restricted area. In addition, Casas J. stated that the accused "He took off the three bracelets and decided to escape"and that the victim "He has received at least 80 messages."


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