VIP vaccination. El Posadas, a hospital linked to Peronism


For decades inside this complex of pavilions of El Palomar that is the Posadas Hospital battles for power are waged which end up harming the daily effort of the staff of this a very complex center in the western suburbs of Buenos Aires.

“It is a Peronist bastion”, defined today THE NATION a referent of the health union on a hospital which has a structure and a budget as important as it is complex. The day before yesterday, he was back in the spotlight when we learned that a VIP vaccination center was working there.

An image exactly five years ago of a wheelchair embedded in a hospital MRI scan generated both shock and confusion. The Cambiemos government, which took office a few months ago, investigated 1,500 nominations in 2015 in the Posadas, including activists from the Nuevo Encuentro group.

The landing of the grouping of Martin sabbatella In the final year of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s second term, it was a political decision after the use of a batch of contaminated infant formula caused an epidemic in the new nutritional recovery room. -borns, that at least one baby died. The political excuse was the mismanagement of funds sent to the hospital.

A few days after the then president left Casa Rosada, an act was organized for the inauguration of the glass-walled building, more modern than the original building, with consultation rooms. On November 25, 2015, the act postponed by internal union resistance was finally carried out because of the insecurity of staff employment, among other demands. In this act, Over half a million pesos were spent on catering, a recital and 60 buses to transport participants to and from different parts of the suburb.

After seeing images of the wheelchair “in the mouth of the only magnetic resonator in the center of public attention in the western suburbs,” as reported in mid-February 2016, authorities in Posadas reported that within a week , the elevators had also stopped. were working at the same time and there was an electric shock that damaged all the refrigerators in the vaccination center.

“Someone had to make a very awkward maneuver to put it within a meter of the entrance to the equipment,” said executive director Alberto Díaz Legaspe, who filed a criminal complaint for damages against the property that never finishes defining it. had been the sabotage or error of a resident, as hospital professionals also reported in the following days.

During the four years of management by Cambiemos, the mobilization sessions called by the internal union groups were maintained. The standardization commission appointed by the former nation’s health ministry announced that 2,035 admissions were only identified in 2015 and half of them occurred in the last 45 days of the previous leadership .

At that time, the delegate of ATE Morón declared THE NATION Faced with the conflict which has intensified due to the arrival of dismissal telegrams: “We never refuse income for different sectors. The other unions have also joined the people. No one is unaware of this ”, while specifying that they were“ children of hospital workers ”.

In March of last year, the guilds announced the start of these reincorporations in agreement with the Ministry of Health in charge, then, of Ginés González García. The first cases of Covid-19 in the country had just started to be confirmed.

Today, of this new VIP vaccination scandal, the hospital’s executive director, Alberto Maceira, said: “What is wrong is corrected by what is right, without hesitation or speculation. This episode cannot smear or stain an entire vaccination process and a collective effort between health personnel and the general population “

Some 5,300 people work in its pavilions; one in four had Covid-19.

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