Viral Channel Says Coronavirus Vaccines Turn People Into Werewolves


After denouncing the presence of nanotechnologies in the doses, claiming that some immune people were magnetized or even talking about a shrinkage of private parts, now the global campaign anti-Covid vaccines added a new and unusual argument.

In Bolivia circulates a viral chain in which they call not to be vaccinated because these drugs they would turn people into “werewolves”. Incredible but real.

In the northern region of Potosí, audios – some of them in Quechua -, images and videos with rumors and fake news about the presumed presence of wolf-like monsters that have already caused several deaths.

“A lot of people say that vaccine turns humans into animals so that they eat humans ”, one hears in one of the audios.

Bolivia has accumulated 417,000 infections and nearly 16,000 deaths from the coronavirus.

Bolivia has accumulated 417,000 infections and nearly 16,000 deaths from the coronavirus.

“Yesterday they sent the original authorities, the authorities from all the cities, to take care of us, that there is a wolf walking. That there are already two or three people who have eaten. Is it true ? », Asks another.

One of the tapes also contains warnings of an anti-vaccine, which claims to be part of a union, and urges not to be immunized as medical professionals have identified countless side effects on the drugs.

“If the first dose has already been applied, do not apply the second. (…) The vaccines were very harmful. Here, my neighbors are dying, ”says the man, who also reproduces other lies, such as that the vaccines“ are made with aborted fetuses or DNA from their lungs ”.

A controversy that has reached the state

The public complaint about the viralization of these audios and videos was made by indigenous MP Toribia Lero, who told the news agency EFE that some people called her on the phone to ask her to see “if what they are talking about is really true “.

“There they gave me audios with different voices of men, women as well and there they warn me that there are werewolves. Others are already starting to understand. They say that ‘it’ maybe it’s because people have been vaccinated twice and that’s it. ”But it’s not like that,” said the Quechua parliamentarian.

Some suspected attacks on animals in rural areas prompted these rumors, fueled by audios and videos that say “This is what we are becoming”, he said.

Dead animals have been found in Bolivia and some people have reported a "Werewolf".

Dead animals have been found in Bolivia and some people have pointed to a “werewolf”.

The MP felt that perhaps an animal is at the origin of the attacks, which usually happens seasonally, but that “it is not to be confused with vaccines and that is what the authorities are (for explain), ”Lero said.

The Bolivian government itself has denied in a press release the veracity of the images and videos on this issue. More precisely, the Vice-Ministry of Communication did it.

Audios on anticovid vaccines are rife in WhatsApp, among which they cause infertility, they implant a microchip through syringes, that the goal is to reduce the population by 15% by order of Bill Gates and other billionaires and that will cause a slow death in a specific time: two years, he says.

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